A more Efficient way to pay.
Streamline payments and save time by uploading ABA, CSV, Excel files or by directly integrating with your accounting software - XERO or MYOB (AccountRight).
![Integrations Integrations](/user/pages/business-integration/01._a-more-efficient-way-to-pay/laptop_integrations.png)
How do the integrations work?
Our integration with Xero synchronises contacts with payees within our platform, and imports all Bills that are Awaiting Payment.
Authorising payments is easy, just select which Bills you want paid, and authorise by entering the SMS code sent to your mobile phone.
After your card is charged, payments are automatically applied to your Bills, moving those Bills to a Paid status.
Our Xero integration also automatically creates Bills for our processing fees which are pushed through to Xero in the Paid status. Our integration supports automatic reconciliation once XERO imports your card statement feed.
Our integration with MYOB AccountRight synchronises contacts with payees within our platform, and also imports all Purchases that are Open.
Authorising payments is easy, just select which Purchases you want paid, and authorise by entering the SMS code sent to your mobile phone.
After your card is charged, payments are automatically applied to your Purchases, moving those Purchases to a Closed status.
Our integration also automatically creates Purchases for our processing fees which are pushed through to MYOB in the Closed status. Our integration supports automatic reconciliation once MYOB imports your card statement feed.
Process 100’s of payments in seconds
Pay 100’s of invoices in a single click. Streamline payments and save time by uploading ABA, CSV or Excel files for processing. Alternatively, let us do the hard work, simply upload an invoice and we’ll scan it and enter the payment details for you - simple.
Collaborate with your team.
Payment Logic Business supports your existing Accounts Payable processes, enabling specified users to load payments whilst others are able to login and approve them. Notifications are issued when payee details are altered enabling you to stay on top of any changes made within your account.