Payment Type | Amex Payment | Bank Transfer |
Payment Collusion - Payments to closely related entities | No | Yes |
Cross Director Payments (no owners involved) | No | Yes |
Cross Owner Payments | No | Yes |
Bail Bonds | No | Yes |
Cash at POS (Cash Advance) | No | Yes |
Child Pornograhy | No | No |
Cheque Cashing / Cheque Guarantee | No | Yes |
Credit Restoration Services | No | Yes |
Payments to other Controllling Individuals | No | Yes |
Digital File Hosting (Cyberlockers) | No | Yes |
Door To Door Sales | No | Yes |
Escort Services | No | Yes |
Non - Licensed Massage Parlors | No | Yes |
Foreign Exchange Bureaus (Brokers) | No | Yes |
Gambling | No | No |
Internet - Adult Digital Content | No | No |
Investment in Futures Maturity / Value of Goods | No | Yes |
Leasing Merchants | No | Yes |
Licensed Insolvency Practices | No | Yes |
Lottery Sales | No | No |
Marijuana Related Businesses | No | Yes |
Multi Level Marketing - Pyramid Selling | No | Yes |
Mortgage and other Debt Related Payments | No | Yes |
Outside Agency - Collection Fees | No | Yes |
Direct Payment to Banks & Financial Institutions | No | Yes |
Payday Lenders | No | Yes |
Payment Aggregators | No | Yes |
Person to Person Wire Transfers | No | Yes |
Online Pharmacies | No | Yes |
Political Party Donations | No | Yes |
Prostitution | No | Yes |
Real Estate Down Payments (Deposits) | No | Yes |
Telecommunications | No | Yes |
Telemarketing - Travel Related | No | Yes |
Tobacco and Smokeless Tobacco Retailers (online) | No | Yes |
Travel (Air / Cruise / Car Rental / Lodging) | No | Yes |
Travel Tour Operators | No | Yes |
Unlawful sale of Prescription Drugs | No | Yes |
Unregulated Charities | No | Yes |
Virtual Currency | No | Yes |